Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Dreaming Events of 10/11

d r e a m 1 . . .

The dream took place present day in Eugene. So I was in Eugene visiting but a lot of my friends and family were busy, so I decided to go shopping. I started off at Walmart....I walked up to the first register and greeted my friend Erin (who does not work at Walmart in real life). I said hey and we chatted a bit but then her bosses showed up to ask her about something, so I left. I crawled through a tiny cubby looking door and when I got to the other side, I was wearing this really amazing couture dress and saw my friend Isabella. She was there with 4 of her friends, all in gorgeous gowns as well. They acted all sleepy when I came in and said that I had just woken them up....I said "but it's 7pm...have you guys been sleeping all day?" and they nodded yes. I told them it was good to see them but that I was headed to the mall. I crawled through another tiny cubby door and ended up in the mall...in regular street clothes. I walked into one of the stores and began looking around. I walked passed a station where some guy was spray painting clothes for an additional charge. Two girls waited there while he spray painted some mini skirts they had just bought....one getting tiger stripes in green and the other getting them in blue. I walked towards the back of the store where I knew all of the clearance racks would be. I began rummaging through the clothes when I found the most amazing swim suit bottoms EVER. they were electric lime on front and had the face of a red goomba from mario brothers on the butt. I saw that they were on clearance for only $3, so I decided to get them. As I was looking through the rest of the racks, my boyfriend appeared, holding a few items of his own. We looked through some other trinkets and things at the store....deciding to get a poster of Virginia and a few other odds and ends. We went over to the check out and he handed me a $25 gift card to buy the stuff. After we went through the check out I realized that I hadn't gotten what I had come there for which was some craft supplies to make Christmas crafts with. I asked him how much was left on the gift card and he said 80 cents. So I said ok and that I'd just pay for the crafts with my own money. I gave the bags to him and headed the direction of the craft department....that's when the dream ended.

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