Friday, October 8, 2010

The Dreaming Events of 10/7

d r e a m 1 . . .

The dream took place present day in Eugene. I was hanging around in Eugene on a visit and decided to go to Sheldon to surprise the band and say Hi. I walked into the band room with my boyfriend Blake and though there were lots of kids inside it was totally quiet and I didn't recognize any of the kids from last year. All of the kids were sitting quietly with their attention drawn to a blank white board at the front of the room. Despite the odd nature of the students, I walked up behind the band director and tapped her on the shoulder. She slowly turned around clasping her hand to her chest..."Holy crap you scared me." After a pause of realization, she retorted excitedly but still in a bit of a whisper, "What are you doing here?". The kids still didn't seem to notice anybody had entered the room. I explained to her that I was there on a visit just for a few days and that I wanted to come and surprise the band...she asked what I was doing in town and I told her that I was applying for some jobs at Sheldon, one as an Assistant Principle and the other as the Director of Financial Aid Assistance (don't ask me why I would be applying for either of these jobs or why the hell a high school needs a Director of Financial Aid). She seemed irritated at my reason for coming and proceeded to yell at me for applying for the jobs. This obviously left me feeling quite awkward and I left my boyfriend and her there to search the room for kids that I had recognized from last year. I kept going up to kids thinking that they were the ones I knew but when they looked up at me, I knew none of them. Feeling really confused, I looked away for a split second and when I looked back, my boyfriend Blake had taken over the classroom teaching a math lesson. He had the equation "4+1=?" on the whiteboard and was eagerly waiting for an answer from the crowd of students. The great part (and also the totally weird part) of this scenario is that there was a hand movement that all of the students were doing while they were thinking of the answer. (Raise your forearm so that it's parallel to your torso, bend your wrist 90 degrees so that your palm is face down, and then move your hand left to right....THAT was the movement that all the kids were doing). There was a pulse to everyone's movement with a complete lack of music. As students shouted out incorrect responses, they shouted them with the rhythm of the movement. All of the lights were dimmed except for a handful of different colored stage lights were beaming around the room flashing and changing with the pulse as expected this only added to my confusion and the dream ended....

d r e a m 2 . . .

The dream took place in a warehouse.....I was helping to host a bachelorette party for one of my friends and the party was supposed to be catered. The party got started but the caterors were late and when they showed up they were completely unorganized and understaffed. Instead of getting upset, I helped. I threw on an apron, told them where to set up all of the food, and helped serve it. After the party was over, the lady in charge of the catering came up to me and mentioned that I had done a great job and that they had another gig the next night that was also understaffed. She asked if I wouldn't mind helping them out again the next night. I said sure since I didn't have anything else going on. The next night I showed up to the catering office and after suiting up into my uniform, I went to the kitchen to wash my hands and ask the boss what I needed to do first. While washing my hands the owner was talking with the lady who asked for my help....they kept whispering and pointing at me, nodding their heads in agreeance. Noticing their whispers, I turned around while drying my hands and asked what they were talking about. The boss turned to me and said "You're really good at this and we want to ask you to work for us. We're currently looking for someone to work catering shifts Thursday - Monday....are you willing to do that?" I looked at them confused and stated the obvious..."But I don't have ANY catering experience" and laughed softly. Their silence after my statement meant to me that they apparently didn't care about that, so I agreed to work for them. Quickly after that I became lucid in my dream and immediately remembered that I already have a job. I quickly started problem solving how to tell them that I was mistaken and actually couldn't work for them after all. That's when I woke up.

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